I forgot, can you only add my credits under the images? (if you don't remember, I'm the model with red hair, white veil and green dress, red tiara and bordeaux dress). Otherwise I will be forced to ask you to delete them for the copyright. Anyway, good gallery :)
Thanks for adding my pictures!
ResponderExcluirI forgot, can you only add my credits under the images? (if you don't remember, I'm the model with red hair, white veil and green dress, red tiara and bordeaux dress). Otherwise I will be forced to ask you to delete them for the copyright.
ResponderExcluirAnyway, good gallery :)
Hello, I put the due credits as I asked, could confirm whether the credits put on some clothes? Sorry for the inconvenience.
ExcluirOh, you've added also the link to my blog ^^ Thank you! Everything is correct by the way, I'll share your blog :)
ExcluirThanks ^^
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